Nordic Sports Regional
Training Camp
2024 September 13 - 15
Hosted by Nordic Sports Prince Edward Island
IBU Regional Event North American and Canadian Biathlon Championships
13 to 19 March 2023 Valcartier Biathlon Centre Québec, QC
Dear Biathlon Friends, On behalf of Biathlon Canada and the Quebec Biathlon Federation, it is my renewed honour and genuine pleasure to invite you to the 2023 IBU Regional Event, North American and Canadian Biathlon Championships in Quebec City.
The event is scheduled to take place from 13 to 19 March 2023 at the biathlon venue located on the Valcartier military garrison. The detailed schedule of the event is provided further in this document.
It will be a distinct privilege to be the host to teams from across Canada and the United States here in the Quebec winter wonderland where snow and our particular joie de vivre are constantly abundant.
We are currently working very hard and with overflowing enthusiasm to prepare the facilities to welcome all the athletes in the best possible conditions. Since the 2016 edition of the Canadian Championship held at the Myriam-Bédard Centre, many improvements have been made to the various data-taking systems allowing for faster and more accurate publication of results. We hope to offer each of you national-level competitions that will remain etched in your memory for a long time.
On behalf of our Organizing Committee, I wish all of you good luck at these Championships, and I look forward to meeting you during the event.
Yours sincerely,
LCol (ret’d) Jean-Guy Levesque, CD Organizing Committee Chair
Canadian Championship 2023 invitation
Canadian Championship 2023 invitation (French)
(CANCELLED)ATLANTIC CUP #2 3-5 February 2023 Brookvale, PE
Atlantic Cup#2 scheduled for 03-05 February is cancelled due to insufficient snow and poor weather conditions
North American IBU Continental Cup Invitation 27th – 29th, January 2023 Fort Kent Outdoor Center (FKOC) US
Dear Biathlon Family,
Welcome to the Fort Kent Outdoor Center (FKOC) for the 2023 Continental Cup Race hosted by the Fort Kent Outdoor Center, the International Biathlon Union (IBU) and the United States Biathlon Association (USBA).
We wish all teams the best of luck during the competition. We can assure you that our volunteers will do their best to ensure the competitions are fair and accurate. We will make every effort to give you the best experience possible with whatever conditions Mother Nature offers.
The FKOC has been host to two IBU world cup events and numerous US National
Championships over our 20-year history in biathlon. We have 30 Mechanical targets that will be used for this competition, and the ski courses are all approved with an A class license from the IBU.
We look forward to having you as our guest for the weekend!
Laura Audibert,
President Fort Kent Outdoor Center
2023 North American IBU Continental Cup
Atlantic Cup #1 2023 being held in Charlo, NB, 13-15 January.
!! Storm update for the Atlantic Cup #1 Jan 13-15, 2023, Charlo, NB
Mise à jour en raison de la tempête - Coupe Atlantique #1 , les 13-15 jan 2023, Charlo, NB !!
Due to forecasted heavy snow accumulation on Friday January 13, in order to provide adequate time for travelling and also to prepare the site for the event, the organizing committee has decided to make changes to the schedule as follow:
Friday training – cancelled
Saturday 14 January :
*1000 hr Official Training
*1100 hr Lunch
*1200 hr Zeroing
*1300 hr Sprint Race Start
Sunday's race is expected to run as planned with a 10 a.m. start of the pursuit race.
Dear Biathlon Friends
The first Atlantic Cup was hosted in Charlo by Les Aventuriers in 2008 and the Organizing Committee is now ready for its 14th experience with this event which is so important for Atlantic Canada. With the additional history of the highly successful Canada Winter Games 2003 and the outstanding Canadian Championships in 2007, 2011, 2014 and 2018, the legacy continues. The volunteers of Les Aventuriers are eager once again to demonstrate their hospitality and expertise and will surely host an excellent event.
As a major change, the New Brunswick Championships will not be held in conjunction with the Atlantic Cup as has been the case in all of the previous years. It is expected that such a change will sharpen the focus on things Atlantic which is good. The NB Championships will be held in March and all of the Atlantic provinces will be invited and that provides another relatively good level of competition in our region.
We look forward to seeing you again at the site of the 2003 Canada Winter Games and the Canadian Championships, and will do our very best to present you an interesting and pleasant experience of the unique Acadian culture and hospitality of the Charlo area. Sincerely,
Yves St-Germain President
Tel:(506) 625-4459,
ATLANTIC CUP #1 Charlo, NB, 13-15 January 2023 INSTRUCTION
Registration will be open on Zone4 starting December 26,2022.
Update :Annual General Meeting 2022
All members of Biathlon New Brunswick are cordially invited to attend the Biathlon New Brunswick Annual General Meeting 2022. We will offer 2 option attend the AGM. There will be an in-person option at the Goodie shop restaurant (Downstairs) or if preferred with Zoom video-conferencing. The Zoom meeting will join concurrently with the members attending in-person.
Time/Date: 13:00 hrs AST, Saturday, 08 0ctober 2022 – expected to be finished by 16:00 hrs.
Place(s): By Zoom – the Zoom invitation will follow separately.
In-Person – Goodie shop restaurant (Downstair), Miramichi, NB
We would encourage the largest possible attendance!
Thanks and look forward to seeing everyone on Oct. 8
PEI September camp
Dear Biathlon NB Members,
The PEI fall camp is coming very shortly, you will find the Camp invite attached to this email. As we are now returning to normal operations, this will be the instruction for the PEI Summer Camp. Please advise me of your intention to attend as well as register on Zone 4.
Biathlon NB will participate with an official Team in the Fall Training Camp in
Brookvale, PE during 16-18 September 2022.
1. To provide a pre-snow training opportunity for NB athletes
2. To provide coaching experience for NB coaches
3. To provide team management experience for the NB Team staff
The most recent information about the camp is attached. In that context please note that the organizers are working on providing the Saturday lunch meal. The invitation should be read in conjunction with this instruction.
Registration on Zone 4 for the event is now open.
The camp activity program is given in the attached document.
All travel, accommodation and meals are the responsibility of clubs or individuals. A subsidy will be provided for the Team Staff members on an individual basis as arranged with the Team Administrator, Paula Cavanaugh. A NB Team fee of $50 is to be paid by all participating athletes. Collection of the fee will be done by the Paula on site.
Athletes are to bring the equipment and necessities as directed in the invitation and by club coaches.
Clubs are requested to distribute this instruction to their members.
Emergency telephone contact during the camp is to Trent Martin’s cell 506-623-9161
or Paula Septon’s cell 506-623-8118.
Safety will be of the utmost priority during travel to and from the camp and at the
event. All participants must be extremely alert at all times for unsafe situations and
must be vigilantly proactive about prevention of accidents of any kind. All range
safety regulations and firearms safety laws shall be stringently followed.
2022 Camp Invitation
Biathlon Canada In-Person Entry Level Official Course
Uniform Information
Attached are details about our new race suits! The fit kit has arrived in NB and will soon be sent to your clubs. Timing is important to size and move it along. We are ordering new suits and headbands from Craft Canada (Canada Games hopeful athletes must have a suit). Race top (with “grips”) $130 and race pants ($100) and headband ($25). Pictures attached. I have also been asked about reordering warmup suits from Apogee If we have enough interest we can order those as well. Jacket ($179) and pants ($159). All prices are plus taxes and shipping. Any questions, contact Paula.